Trudy Smith

Trudy has been with The EARTHWORKS Group for over 17 years. Her range of experience includes but is not limited to permitting civil work including stormwater, water, wastewater, entrance drives and utility encroachments with various city, county and state agencies. 

She is responsible for completing all applications and ensuring that required submittals are complete on the administrative level for all residential and commercial projects. She maintains records of all submittals and follows up with technical staff to insure timely submittals. She coordinates with local, state and federal agencies for all permitting issues.

She has administrative oversight responsibility for the preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) as directed by state/federal agencies to comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) as stated in the 2012 Construction General Permit. Trudy has extensive experience in representing clients before the regulatory community, especially with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and Horry County Engineering and Planning offices for land development projects.  

Recently Ms. Smith has assisted with permitting for FEMA emergency housing from the wake of Hurricane Matthew in Panama City and Mexico Beach Florida, to include coordination and permitting with Florida Department of Environmental Protection and local municipalities. Prior to coming to EARTHWORKS, 

Trudy worked in the construction field handling administrative duties associated with road construction, commercial building and residential building.  Her responsibilities included dealing directly with local, state and federal agencies on permitting and