Stan Adkins is a Civil EIT (Engineer in training) with the Earthworks Group. He takes his PE (Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam) in April to earn his Professional Engineering license (PE).
PE licensure is the engineering profession’s highest standard of competence and is a goal that we are excited to see Stan strive for! See below to learn more about Stan!
How long have you been working at Earthworks?
2 Years
What do you do at Earthworks?
I am a civil engineer in the Land Development Department
Favorite part of your job?
Every week I have a new and interesting challenge to overcome. Of the places I have worked, this has the best work environment.
Favorite hobby?
Tabletop RPGs
Favorite food?
Current favorite TV Show and/or Movie?
TV Show: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime; Movies: Shawshank Redemption and Secondhand Lions
If money is no option, what would you buy and why?
I would travel around the world. Some definites would be the Galapagos Islands, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Japan, etc.
Rumor is that you’re a fan of turtles. What is your favorite turtle and why?
All are wonderful in their own unique ways. The leopard and Indian star tortoises are exceptionally beautiful. Box turtles have evolved a geometric solid that allows them to more easily right themselves. The alligator snapping turtle has one of the highest bite strengths in the animal kingdom. I also always seen how I am like them in how I approach life: deliberate and steady.
You’re taking the PE exam this upcoming April, what is the PE exam?
The Professional Engineering (PE) exam is one of the steps to become a fully licensed engineer. The exam is a multiple choice exam that covers material from all civil engineering disciplines in the first half and specializes in one in the second half. I am taking the Water Resources and Environmental specialization.
What type of Engineer are you and what is your role in society?
I am a civil engineer and therefore I develop infrastructure systems for society.
What is your dream project that you would love to perform?
I would like to eventually work on a project that stands the test of time.
What advice would you give an engineering student about to start college?
Make sure you maintain balance is school between your classes and social life. All work and no play makes you dull.
What advice would you give to a young engineer who is about to graduate from college?
You will find a job. You can afford to be discerning in your job prospects. Take your Fundamentals of Engineering Exam as soon as possible. Also consider taking your PE exam sooner rather than later in your four years of work experience.
What general advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?
Buy Bitcoin
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Almost 40